Friday, July 07, 2006

My first time E-Baying

Yesterday was my first time E-Baying, and it didn't go too well. In fact it left me very upset and wanting to hunt down the person who fucked me over and do unspeakable things to them. No, I wasn't cheated out of money, which in itself is a good thing. Something much worse happened:

I lost the bid on the ONE game I have been looking for since its release around 7 years ago. The name of this game is Destrega, and I fell in love with it from the moment I played its demo. However, upon release, this game was practically nowhere to be seen in shops and it definately was released in the suspicion is that they didn't think it'd sell very well and opted to take the safe route of releasing a small number of copies.

Afte searching and searching, I finally decided to take a look at E-Bay and found it; only 3 copies. I went for the cheapest one and was pretty close to getting it, until some other bidder stuck their oar in at 4 seconds to zero hour. I had no chance of placing a higher bid! And now, I'm back at square one, waiting for another copy of Destrega, the ever elusive game, to make an appearance...*cries*

On a bigger note, I seriously think that E-Bay should ban the ability to bid when there is less than 1 minute left. It's truly unfair on the person who has placed their bid earlier and has been waiting for the countdown to end, only to have the carpet pulled from under them within the last few seconds *continues crying*


Bhavvie said...

This is why you should bid right at the last minute.

Anonymous said...

How can one guarantee that they will not be outbid even then?

Bhavvie said...

There is no guarantee but you do have a bigger chance of winning.