Saturday, October 14, 2006

Woes of the Coursework Kind

Damn it...the deadline for the first part of Development Project: Analysis and Design, the Project Proposal, is due in on Monday 16th and that's literally 2 days away! I have no-one to blame but myself, for letting the due date sneak up on me like this.

Not only that, but I also have to hand in my Storyboard for 3D Animation on Tuesday 17th, which is 3 days away. I guess to actually keep up, I have to pull an all-nighter for the Project Proposal and aim to have it finished by tonight. Then I can spend tomorrow night and the rest of Monday working on my Storyboard, and this should give me the necessary kick up the butt I need.


Anonymous said...

good luck with your deadline!! i have one on tuesday!! hehehe.

Anonymous said...

Haaaa....*stretches* It's all complete! How did your coursework go?