Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Back-Dating Series: LiveJournal "I haven't gone AWOL"

Originially Posted: Friday 10th June 2005 at 02:32 pm

Hi all!

I know it's been like 4 days since I first posted, but I just wanted you all to know I haven't gone AWOL, I'm still here, just trying to create a new layout for my needs a makeover. It's gonna take a while since I have to design the pictures and colour them and make them look all nice, and I'm going to have to go back and chnage the coding on everything...all in's a heckuva lot of work...that and I'm still playing Tales of Symphonia and am VERY close to getting to the second disc ^_^ yay for me!

Random Quote:

Yuan: Hahaha! You fools have fallen into my trap!
Lloyd (to Zelos): He just called you a fool...
Presea: clumsy...
Zelos: I sad...

Now that was a funny scene to me...actually any scene with Zelos in it is funny, you always get a laugh or something...but Yuan, now there's a guy who needs an update on evil catchphrases...there was this really good line he said, but I can't remember it at this moment in time...ah well, I'm gonna be playing this game another 2 times, just so that I get EVERYTHING in the game (Yes, I'm one of THOSE people -_-)

Anyhow, I'm gonna end this entry here, and hopefully the next time I post, it'll be something important, or my website will finally have it's makeover ^_^



Back-Dating Series: LiveJournal "The Birth"

Originally Posted: Monday 6th June 2005 at 00.01

Greetings all! ^_^

I would like to welcome you to my new baby, that's it, my's been a long time coming, and due to a good friend's influence, I decided to finally go ahead with it, and boy was the labour and delivery with this thing painful and tiresome...

Anyhow, the baby's born and will be used (God knows for how long, but it will be) I will try my best to post daily, though you can only hope for an update every couple of weeks or so lol, but maybe I'll pound out a few on a more frequent basis.

Not much to really write about right now since I'm exhausted, but I think I'll go play some Tales of Symphonia...oh oh! I just remembered, I took this personality quiz thingie, and guess what...I got Zelos!!! *insert fangirl scream here*

Which Tales of Symphonia character are you?
(click on the pic to go to the site)

Believe me, I am NOT that cocky! I have trouble talking to guys as it is lol, but hey, I wouldn't mind having that kinda guy in my life...would be fun to poke fun at him lol.

Well ja, I think I covered everything...not much, just a little introduction - I'm still getting used to the controls, and probably will have mastered it in a couple days lol, when I do, I'll be giving the Cheek Salute, okay, so look out for it ^_^

Until next time, this is Erutan Xiku signing off,



P.S. Yes, the 'Birth Jokes' were on purpose...and yeah, my posts will be pretty long, I tend to write a lot of junk :p

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Back-Dating Series: Introduction

Hi all, guess I'm gonna be using this Blog ^_^ I like the plain layout, and it'll develop as I develop...over time ^_^

Right now, I plan on moving all my Blog posts from everywhere to here. These locations will be LiveJournal, the two posts I made on Hi5 and the many from my MSN Space. Thus this post serves as an introduction to that. Alongside my normal blog-posts, I'll be sticking my back-dated posts here; you'll know because the title will be 'Back-Dating Series: *insert Blog here* *insert post title here*

The first line of each post will have the Date of when the post was originally posted up. I intended to do this with my MSN Space, and I may still do, but I think I'll do it here, thus fulfilling it's role as a library/recorder of my past.

Hope you enjoy them,

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The First Post


Strange, I can't think of anything else to back that up with, but I just thought I'd get one of these to tinker around with. If I like it, it'll stay and you'll be 'graced' with more posts. If I don't like it, well that's it really, it'll be removed or left here to take up BlogSpot's space. But you most likely won't hear from me again.

Anyway, just saying 'Hi' and letting you all know that I'm working on making this look prettier...well viewable.

Nice meeting you and take care,